Thursday, October 14, 2010

Commercialization, Kids and society...Mickey Mouse Monopoly!

We finished the last of Mickey Mouse Monopoly!


  1. Well I missed the day we watched this movie in class so I got to bring it home and watch it. I think that the movie brings up alot of great points about the effects of them on our children. we allow the producer of the movies to give our childern the way they are thinking and acting. If someone watches something long enough the idea of what they are watch will have some effect on that persons life. When my kids watch tv I explain to them that whatever they watch may always be the real truth and that they should never do or say beleive what is on tv unless says that it is a true story. I think that people put to much power and buy to many things for their kids becuase of movies.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. this day i didnt really watch this movie but i saw a few thigns about how black people werent in cartoons and they played parts of apes or animals and i think thats totally not fair and its not teaching much to the new generation of kids. Bad things shouldnt really be portrayed to kids in cartoon form
