Wednesday, October 27, 2010


We watched half of Food Inc....Wow....Is all I can say...What did you think?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Proposition 19!

What do we think of Proposition 19 - a response to the Rolling Stones Article on legalizing Marijuana for recreational use in California?


We had a lively viewing of Supersize me...Much debate I think will ensue.  Many people revealed some biases and ideas of the way people eat and the various sizes that Americans come in these days....

Commercialization, Kids and society...Mickey Mouse Monopoly!

We finished the last of Mickey Mouse Monopoly!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mickey Mouse Monopoly; Disney Childhood and Corporate Power

Video discussing Disney's role in our society!  What do you think?
Media, gender representations ...a woman needs to be saved by a man, womens' bodies are used to get what they want, family violence, media stereotypes,
Some of the movies they referred to specifically regarding gender representations....
Snow White - women love to sing and clean for their men
Beauty and the Beast - a story of domestic violence
Mulan - strong women, but when the war is over - trying to get a man to marry
Bambi, Aladdin - women use their bodies to get what they want...
Media Stereotypes; racism and sexism
Chihuahuas always latino character; Latino characters usually doing things they shouldn't do...
Black people portrayed as apes, crows, hyenas
Natives needing to be tamed by white people
White supremacy in Tarzan...
Siamese cats as chinese; cunning sinister and manipulative

Considering Perspectives

In class (and everyday really) we are going to discuss differing perspectives on a variety of issues....
particular evaluation of something: a particular evaluation of a situation or facts, especially from one person's point of view
"a different perspective on the matter"
measured assessment of situation: a measured or objective assessment of a situation, giving all aspects their comparative importance
"He's having trouble keeping things in perspective right now."
appearance of distant objects to observer: the appearance of objects to an observer allowing for the effect of their distance from the observer
graphic arts allowance for artistic perspective when drawing: the theory or practice of allowing for artistic perspective when drawing or painting
vista: a vista or view
[ 14th century. Via French < late Latin perspectivus "optical" < Latin perspicere "look closely" < specere "look at" ]
per·spec·tive·ly ADVERB
Synonyms: lookout, vista, prospect, view, scene, outlook, overlook

Zoom in and Zoom out Activity!