Monday, September 12, 2011

Sarah Mogil

Hey! My name is Sarah Mogil and I would like to share a little bit about myself. I hope it doesn't bore you too much! I am 19 years old as of this past July 6 and this is my first semester in college, obviously. After graduating high school in 2010, I decided to spice things up in my life by taking a year off to be a foreign exchange student. "Where did you go?" many people ask me. From August 1, 2010 until June 21, 2011, I stayed in Denmark. Now, not many people know where this little country is located or what their language even is. Denmark is that tiny peninsula jutting off the top of Germany with a few other islands belonging to it. The official language of Denmark, believe it or not, is Danish. I am *almost* fluent in this unpopular language and it is unfortunately slowly slipping from my brain. I could go on and on, writing several essays about my year abroad, but obviously this isn't the place to do it.
Well, enough about that exciting period in my life and onto the more normal, or not so normal, aspects about me. I was born and grew up in Ithaca. Although I hate to say it, I didn't always live in Ithaca. At the age of 6 years old, my family and I moved to the rural town of Lansing, about 10-15 minutes outside of Ithaca. I would have to say I love alternative rock, classic rock, acoustic, and dubstep music. Anything and everything in between can also be found on my iPod. However, I can't pick one favorite song, I do love most of Skrillex's music. Some activities you could find me doing would be volunteering at the SPCA of Tompkins County or taking care of my pets. I do love to hang out with my friends from high school or talk to my exchange student friends over Facebook or Skype. My interests include animal care and, as stated already, helping out at animal shelters. In 10 years or so, I could see myself as a veterinarian or vet tech at a shelter, bringing in sick animals and helping them get better.
Why did I choose to come to TC3 after an amazing 11 months in Europe? Well, I'm pretty much broke right now. Also, after spending so much time not really applying myself in school because I couldn't understand most of it, I felt that going to TC3 would help ease myself back into the routine of homework and studying. Once I get my feet wet in the college lifestyle, I will transfer to a 4-year school to get my bachelor's and then on to vet school. I love animals! That's all you need to know!

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